Outside Playing:


Me: Turkey, hold on, I am coming. What is it?

Turkey: MAMA come here!

Me (squatting down to peer at the dirt with him): What are we looking at?

Turkey (matter of factly): ROLY POLYS! Pick one up!

Me: No thanks, Turkey.

Turkey: They are SO CUTE!




I get a kick out of having friends that don’t have kids nowadays. Its like a barometer of how much of a mom I’ve become. Every now and then I need to tune it back a little…or not.

Cat lady: How’s Monkey today?
Me: She’s still not going poopoo in the potty! It’s enough to drive you crazy
Cat lady: umm, maybe this bathroom talk is more suitable for your other mom friends. Gross
Me: Right

Me: Monkey just farted and blamed her daddy.
Cat lady: umm she needs to either 1.) be a lady and hold it in or 2.) fess up
Me: No way, blaming the farts on someone else is a family tradition that she must carry on!

Cat lady: What shows did you watch?
Me: Does Princess Sophia count? The night is not my own til she goes to bed.
Cat lady: No it does not count
*Insert image of vodka beverage she is partaking*


#Goodoledays #poopoonevergetsold #illhaveadrinktoo