3 going on 13

I’m not sure what it is exactly, but whenever Monkey goes to her Nana and Poppa’s house she becomes fairly refined and lets her teenage tendencies shine through.

Uncle Radio: Monkey look! Dominos website is showing they put your pizza in the oven and Larry will be delivering it to the house soon.
*doorbell rings*
Monkey: Larry’s here! Come on guys. Hi Larry, thank you for making my pizza.
Larry: Oh, you must of placed the order online since you know my name. You are very welcome my dear.
*Door closes*
Monkey: (hand on her hip) He was a very nice man.
Nana: *laughs* Why yes, he was!

Monkey: I need to go tinkle!
Nana: Ok, do you need some help?
Monkey: No, I need some privacy.
Nana: Alright then.
Monkey: I’ll let you know if I need anything, ok?

Monkey in the bath building legos per Nana’s clever idea.
*Lego castle comes crashing down*
Monkey: Oh no, my future!


Deep thoughts